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Advocacy and Legislative Concerns Committee

The Adovcacy and Legislative Committee discusses current legislation impacting school cousnelors and student mental health, and provides counselors with information to advocate for our profession at the local and national level.


The By-Laws Committee reviews the by-laws of the association on an annual basis and makes recommendatiosn to the Executive Board as appropriate.

Conference Planning Committee

The Conference Planning Committee is charged with picking a theme, dates and venue for DCSCA's annual conference, as well as organizing the submission of conference proposals and speakers.


The Finance Committee is charged with setting the budget and supporting the treasurer with maintaing accurate financial records.


The Membership Committee is charged with maintaining the membership database, help set up and organize registration for DCSCA events, help facilitate membership promotion activities and maintain records of membership renewal deadlines. 


The Mentoring Committee aims to connect school counselor colleagues across Washington, D.C. in a caring, collaborative, encouraging and supportive professional relationship. This committee will work to review mentor and mentee applications and provide professional development to our members in the area of mentoring.  The goal is to strengthen school counselors' efficacy in implementing comprehensive school counseling programs, addressing barriers, and becoming effective systemic change agents. This goal is met through a variety of models including a one-to-one mentoring program, professional learning communities (PLCs) and affinity groups.

Nominations and Elections Committee

The Nominations and Elections Committee with organize and facilitate each board election cycle. 

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee supports DCSCA's mission and vision to create a network of support for school couneslors by providing meaningful professional development and training opportunities. 


The Recongition Committee coordinates the nominations and selections for School Counselor of the Year and Graduate Student of the Year. In addition, this committee will create structures to consistently showcase the work of DC school counselors.

Social Media

The Social Media Committee communicates with our members via social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (X). The committee is responsible for maintaining up to date information on such platforms to maintain the image of the organization.

Interested in getting more involved with DCSCA? Consider joining a committee!

Fill out this committee interest form to indicate which committees you would like to support.

DC School Counselor Association​​​


PO Box 15013

Washington, DC 20003


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